The Center for Global Generosity is a virtual center. More information about CGG’s members, including contact information, is included below.
Founding Members Research Associates
Pamala Wiepking |
Femida Handy |
René Bekkers |
Beth Breeze |
Chulhee Kang |
Naoto Yamauchi |
Angela Bies |
Una Osili |
Michaela Neumayr (Key topics: Philanthropy; Volunteering; Nonprofits’ role within a countries welfare mix and Social policy)
Oonagh B. Breen (Key topics: Comparative charity regulation and charity governance)
Ilana F. Silber (Key topics: Gift research and theory; Elite philanthropy; Philanthropy as institutional field; Comparative historical and cultural sociological approaches to gift and philanthropy)
The Netherlands
Arjen de Wit (Key topics: Philanthropy; Volunteering; Welfare states; Migrant participation and Social innovation)
Lonneke Roza (Key topics: Corporate philanthropy; Corporate citizenship; Corporate volunteering; Employee engagement in social initiatives and Corporate foundations)
Renate Buijze (Key topics: International Philanthropy; Tax incentives; Cross-border giving and Fundraising for arts and culture)
Stephanie A. Maas (Key topics: Corporate philanthropy; Corporate community involvement; Corporate foundations, intermediaries, ownership and distance)
United Status
Angela M. Eikenberry (Key topics: Giving circles and collaborative giving; The marketization of nonprofit/ nongovernmental organizations and philanthropy and Critical perspectives on philanthropy and volunteerism)
Christopher J. Einolf (Key topics: Interdisciplinary and international explanations of charitable giving and volunteering)