Contact Us

The Center for Global Generosity is a virtual center. More information about CGG’s members, including contact information, is included below.

Founding Members            Research Associates 

Pamala Wiepking

Femida Handy

René Bekkers

Beth Breeze

Chulhee Kang

Naoto Yamauchi

Angela Bies

Una Osili 



Michaela Neumayr (Key topics: Philanthropy; Volunteering; Nonprofits’ role within a countries welfare mix and Social policy)


Oonagh B. Breen (Key topics: Comparative charity regulation and charity governance)


Ilana F. Silber (Key topics: Gift research and theory; Elite philanthropy; Philanthropy as institutional field; Comparative historical and cultural sociological approaches to gift and philanthropy)

The Netherlands

Arjen de Wit (Key topics: Philanthropy; Volunteering; Welfare states; Migrant participation and Social innovation)

Lonneke Roza (Key topics: Corporate philanthropy; Corporate citizenship; Corporate volunteering; Employee engagement in social initiatives and Corporate foundations)

Renate Buijze (Key topics: International Philanthropy; Tax incentives; Cross-border giving and Fundraising for arts and culture)

Stephanie A. Maas (Key topics: Corporate philanthropy; Corporate community involvement; Corporate foundations, intermediaries, ownership and distance)

United Status

Angela M. Eikenberry (Key topics: Giving circles and collaborative giving; The marketization of nonprofit/ nongovernmental organizations and philanthropy and Critical perspectives on philanthropy and volunteerism)

Christopher J. Einolf  (Key topics: Interdisciplinary and international explanations of charitable giving and volunteering)