Lonneke Roza, Ph.D

Dr. Lonneke Roza (1984) is Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Business-Society Management at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, the Netherlands.


Dr. Roza is one of the founding members of a knowledge lab on Corporate Citizenship; a collaborative circle of practitioners and academics aimed at conducting research to develop the field of corporate citizenship, corporate philanthropy and community involvement. Recently she started the virtual knowledge center on (corporate) community involvement that aims to make academic insights available and accessible (readable) to the field of practitioners. Also, she has become affiliated with Impact Centre Erasmus, where she conducts (social) impact measurement for corporate foundations, companies and charitable organizations. Her lectures focus on applied research methods & social entrepreneurship and teaches a summerschool on business-nonprofit collaboration. Additionally, she is also a board member Nuon Foundation, a Dutch corporate foundation.


Dr. Roza research focuses on management of corporate philanthropy (CSR, corporate citizenship) and corporate foundations, including employee engagement and governance and leadership. She includes the perspectives of all actors involved, including nonprofit organizations, businesses and intermediary organizations. Together with other researchers, she is co-editor of an academic research handbook that is expected at the end of 2018. She published several bookchapters and academic articles in –among others– Journal of Business Ethics, Voluntas and Human Services Organizations, Management, Governance and Leadership.


Key topics: Corporate philanthropy; Corporate citizenship; Corporate volunteering; Employee engagement in social initiatives and Corporate foundations.


Webpage:      https://www.rsm.nl/people/lonneke-roza/



Current position

Post-Doctoral researcher, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Previous positions

Ph.D. candidate (2012-2016) and junior researcher (2009-2012), Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam


Employee engagement in Corporate Social Responsibility; a collection of essays (2016; supervisor: Prof. Dr. L.C.P.M. Meijs)


Ph.D. in Management, Masters in Global Business and Stakeholder Management, Bachelor in Business Administration, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.

Research productivity

18 international scientific publications; 23 professional publications.